HANGMSGS.ZIP 10,248 05-17-94 TeleGard Hangup Messages v1.0 This is acollection of ANSI Hangup Messages displayedby TG when you hit Shift-F5. FREEWARE byBryan Peretto
LIST100.ZIP 15,842 10-03-94 TGList v1.00 - Telegard Full Screen MCI FileViewer. Supports smooth full screen colorscrolling and text search functions.
MBE_200.ZIP 93,898 06-11-94 MbEdit v2.00 - Advanced Message base editorfor Telegard v2.7. Allows for globalmodifications of bases and many options notoffered in the standard internal editor.
TG298KIT.ZIP 29,122 11-20-94 Telegard 3.0 Structures Information Kit - thetentative (November 20/94) structures for theupcoming 3.0 release. These are relativelyclose to the final 3.0 release version.Contains pascal structures only.
TGBW462.ZIP 38,409 05-12-94 BADWORDS 4.62eta, Telegard 2.7s Message BaseUtility. Replaces "badwords" In *.BRD FilesWith "Beeps". Far Faster Than CENSOR. By RonDean
TGD315B.ZIP 39,085 01-16-95 TGDOORS 3.15-(eta) Telegard 2.7 Door AnalysisProgram. Generate Current Weekly And ARunning Historical Ascii/Text Chart of YourDoor Activities And Best "Rankings". By RonDean
TGDC407.ZIP 38,519 05-24-94 DESCRIPT 4.07lpha Telegard 2.7 File DescriptUtility. Companion to VERBOSE, cleans up Tel*.Dir file descriptions. Optional adjust Toor lower case, or raise first letter. Fast,correction. By Ron Dean
TGMGC7A.ZIP 38,785 07-14-94 TGMAGIC 7.00lpha Telegard 2.7 Frontend-MaileCompiles FREQ list from TG Filebase directoriAssignment of Optional Magicnames, generatesand addtional summary good for files list hea
TGNM507.ZIP 98,978 06-25-94 Newmail 5.07eta Telegard 2.7 AUTO.MSGUtility. Totally New. Screen CosmeticChanges, Additions Of Optional Header/FooterFiles. Oneliner Generation Now Faster ThanEver. Buffer Size Increased. By Ron De
TGPY341.ZIP 35,767 05-23-94 TGPYLOT 3.41lpha Telegard 2.7 Maintenance MaReduces the confusion of "event batches" by cmaintenance commands in to a working databasemanual update to one simple file everytime yo
TGSM201.ZIP 33,016 05-16-94 SHORTMSG 2.01eta Telegard 2.7s ShortmsgUtility. Packs deleted entries from theshortmsg file or option to "Rebuild" allshort messages. By Ron Dean
TGVC3EX.ZIP 33,197 01-30-95 VERBOSE 3.0-Ex Telegard 2.7 Verbose Descriptiraises the first letter of each word in the vfile to upper-case. by ron dean
TGVC601G.ZIP 34,240 06-24-94 VERBOSE 6.01-Golden Telegard 2.7 VerboseDescription Utiliity. cleans entries inverbose.dat. optional raise to upper or lowercase and normal raise first letter. by rondean